Saturday, August 27, 2011

ASOC - Qn papers

                * * * * * * * *

    NOTE: Question No 1 from each section is compulsory.
    Grade I    answer any 5 of the remaining questions - 2 Hours
    Grade II answer any 2 of the remaining questions - 1 Hour


    Q.1.    Choose the correct answer ( any 10 )

    i)    A3E indicates a) SSB b) AM-DSB voice c) FM Voice d) FSK

    ii)    Capacitance is measured in
        a) Amperes b) watt c) Farad d) Coulombs

    iii)    Frequency is a) cycles per second b) Kilo cycles
        per second c) Cycles per minute d) cycles per hour

    iv)    Line of sight propagation is the mode of communication
        in a) LF b) HF c) MF d) VHF

    v)    The wavelength of 300 MHz is in Meters is
        a) 1 b) .1 c) 1.1 d) 0.01

    vi)    4th harmonic of 2.5 MHz is
        a) 10 MHz b) 15 MHz c) 8 MHz d) 7.5 MHz

    vii)    Squelch control is used to eliminate
        a) static interference b) electrical disturbance
        c) receiver noise d) unwanted carrier

    viii)    Resonant frequency in a tuned circuit is equal to
        a) 1/2ãLC b) 1/2ãûLC c) 2ãûLC d) 2ãûL+C

    ix)    Power dissipated in a 400 Ohm resistor at 1 Amp is
        a) 40 Watts b) 400 KW c) 4 Watts d) 400 Watts

    x)    The frequency of 40 Meter band in MHz is
        a) 14 - 14.350    b) 7 - 7.1 c) 21 - 21.450 d) 15 - 15.400

    xi)    Zener diode is used for a) Rectification b) Voltage
        regulation c) Current regulation d) Switching

    xii)    The UHF range is a) 30 to 300 KHz b) 300 to 3000 KHz
        c) 3 to 30 GHz d) 300 to 3000 MHz

    Q.2    Write short notes on any three    a) Skip distance
        b) AVC c) eddy currents d) Antenna matching

    Q.3    Draw the circuit of a full wave bridge rectifier with
        and smoothing circuit and explain its function.

    Q.4    a) Explain briefly FM and its advantages over AM
        b) Explain briefly dipole aerial

    Q.5    Draw the block diagram of a superhetrodyne receiver
        and explain the function of each stage briefly.

    Q.6    Explain briefly primary cell and secondary cell and
        how do they differ ?

    Q.7    State the color code of resistors


    Q.1.    Choose the correct answer ( any 10 )

    i)    Indian amateurs can communicate with other amateurs in
        a) All countries b) Countries permitted by ITU
        c) Countries permitted by Indian Government
        d) Countries permitted by Indian Amateur society

    ii)    Grade II amateurs can communicate on 7 MHz in
        a) A1 b) A3 c) F3 d) A3A

    iii)    Lady amateurs are known as a) XL b) XYL c) YL d) LY

    iv)    Minimum age to become an amateur is
        a) 18 years b) 14 years c) 12 years d) 16 years

    v)    All timing in the Log book should be in
        a) IST b) UTC c) GMT d) Local time

    vi)    Amateurs should preserve their log for a period of
        a) 6 months b) 1 year c) 2 years d) 9 months from the
        date of the last entry

    vii)    Q code to indicate time is a) QRG b) QRX c) QTR d) QSA

    viii)    Test signal shall not be continued more than
        a) 30 seconds b) 1 minute c) 2 minutes d) 3 minutes

    ix)    In India the standard time signal is broadcast by
        a) ISRO b) WPC c) OCS d) NPL

    x)    PANPAN transmitted thrice indicates a) Distress
        b) Emergency c) Urgency d) Distress and emergency

    xi)    The broadcast of music is allowed in amateur service
        a) on request b) when channel is free c) never
        d) only for testing
    xii)    The abbreviation VA means a) End of transmission
        b) End of message c) End of working d) End of schedule

    Q.2    State the conditions under which an amateur station
        can transmit third party messages ?

    Q.3    Write the meaning of four of the following i) QRA
        ii) QRL iii) QRX 1600    iv) QRM v) QSY

    Q.4    What are the international distress frequencies and
        write a specimen form of a distress message in A3.

    Q.5a.    Explain the need for a callsign ? How are the callsigns
        for amateurs in India formed ?
      5b.    Who allots callsigns for amateurs in India ?

    Q.6    On May 27 1986 Tuesday presume you had a contact
        Sri Vidyaprakash of Coimbatore on 14025 KHz signing
        VU2DVP at 2130 IST with good signal strength, tone and
        readability. Convey your particulars to him before
        closing down. Show the above contact in proper log form.

    Q.7    What types of messages are the amateurs forbidden to
        transmit ?

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